Common Child Custody Disputes in Wichita, KS

A child custody determination can be one of the most challenging experiences in any parent’s life. Whether you recently resolved child custody with your co-parent as a standalone issue or as part of a broader divorce case, your custody order is a legally enforceable court order that requires strict compliance. While the thought of losing time with your children may seem unbearable, failure to comply with any custody order in Kansas carries severe legal penalties, including involuntary termination of parental rights in extreme cases. Child custody disputes can escalate to very intense litigation and even criminal proceedings in some cases.


Divorce Litigation Versus Alternative Dispute Resolution in Wichita, KS

Ending a marriage is a multifaceted process, and every couple who begins divorce proceedings in Wichita, KS, will face unique challenges as they navigate their case. If you are preparing to end your marriage, you likely have many pressing legal questions about what you can expect from the process. An experienced attorney is an invaluable asset in this situation. They can prepare you for what to expect in your divorce and help you understand your options for resolving the case. When many people think of divorce, they imagine heated shouting matches unfolding in impersonal courtroom settings. However, litigation, or resolving


Divorce Terminology: A Guide to the Language of Divorce

Divorce is a difficult process and one that can be made even more complicated by the use of confusing legal terminology. If you are contemplating filing for divorce, it is helpful to understand the language of divorce. By defining some of the most common divorce terms and explaining what they mean in their simplest sense, you will be able to make more informed decisions about your divorce and better understand the legal process ahead of you. Here are some of the most common divorce terms and what they mean: Dissolution. This is the legal term for divorce. When a parting


Finding the Right Family Law Attorney in Wichita, KS

Family law is a broad area of civil law, and the outcome of any family law case can potentially impact your life and the lives of your loved ones for years to come. If you face any family law dispute in the Wichita, KS, area, it’s vital to understand your options for handling the situation and the value of legal counsel you can trust. The right Wichita, KS, family law attorney can have a tremendously positive influence on the outcome of your case. However, before taking advantage of all the benefits legal representation offers in a family law dispute, you


What Happens If Neither Parent Is Fit for Custody?

In an ideal world, children would be raised by both of their parents in loving and supportive homes. We all know this is not always a possibility. In situations of divorce, children often live with one parent, known as sole custody, or split time between each parent, known as joint custody. Unfortunately, there are also circumstances in which neither parent is willing or is fit to have custody of their child, which could result in a non-parental custody order. When this occurs in Kansas, there are a few options for determining who will care for the child. What Is an


Domestic Violence in a Wichita, KS, Divorce

It’s an unfortunate reality in Kansas that thousands of people experience domestic violence each year. Domestic violence takes many forms and often leads to complex legal proceedings. Some of these proceedings unfold in the criminal court system as the perpetrator faces punishment for breaking Kansas law, and the remaining proceedings will proceed through the family court system. Domestic violence cases often carry strong implications for divorce, child custody disputes, and various other issues handled by the family court. If you have recently experienced domestic violence, it’s vital to know what steps you must take to protect yourself and prevent further