Tips for Staying Civil With Your Ex After Divorce

Divorce is typically one of the most difficult experiences of your life, even if you know you are in a marriage that needs to end. Some people go into the divorce process expecting relief and freedom once everything is finalized, but the reality is that many divorcing spouses will be a part of one another’s lives long after the ink has dried on the divorce decree. This is especially true for divorcing parents, who will need to continue interacting until their children are legally adults. However, the same can also hold true in other divorce cases that do not involve


The Typical Divorce Process in Wichita, KS

Divorce is a complicated process, both technically and emotionally. However, it is also necessary in many instances. From amicable separations, complex custody issues, and complicated financial entanglements, each divorce is its own unique legal process. If you believe it is time to end your marriage in Wichita, KS, contact our firm. You should know what the process actually entails, how long it will take, and what you should expect from the experience. Ultimately, divorce is rarely an easy experience, but it can be less challenging with the help of an experienced attorney. Though your situation is unique, there is a


How to Change Your Divorce Agreement in Wichita, KS

The divorce process is often one of the most difficult experiences of a person’s life in several ways, requiring divorcing spouses to ultimately upend their lifestyles and start fresh separately. Divorce proceedings may last for months or even years in very complex cases. When they are finally over, divorced spouses often feel relieved. However, the finalization of a divorce decree does not necessarily mean the issue is entirely put to rest forever. Family law is unique in that it is possible to alter an existing family law decree without an overly complex appeals process. Post-judgment motions allow those bound by


Essential Information About High Asset Divorces in Wichita, KS

Typically, any divorce in which the divorcing spouses control more than several million dollars’ worth of property qualifies as a “high net worth divorce” in Wichita, KS. Divorce can be contentious even when vast sums of money aren’t involved. It is easy to see how wealthier couples may have additional concerns as they brace for their divorce proceedings. If you are ending your marriage in the Wichita, KS area, and control substantial assets, you have much on the line. It’s only natural to want to protect your interests as much as possible during your divorce proceedings. Dependable legal counsel is


What Is an Emergency Divorce in Kansas?

Divorce can be a time-consuming matter in some cases, but the Kansas family court system does provide the opportunity for an expedited divorce in emergency situations. Kansas upholds an emergency divorce option for those who need immediate divorce rulings. In most cases, emergency divorces are reserved for domestic violence and spousal abuse cases. However, they can also come into play when a divorcing spouse can demonstrate an immediate need for financial support from the other spouse. An emergency divorce is typically a sensitive situation that requires careful attention from an experienced attorney. If you need help to escape domestic violence


What Is a Collaborative Divorce?

If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Wichita, KS, it’s important to know how the process will unfold. It’s also wise to know your options when it comes to finalizing your divorce. Divorce can be an emotional issue, but not every divorce needs to end with a contentious court battle. It is also possible for a divorcing couple to work out their differences amicably and expedite the legal process of ending their marriage through collaborative divorce. Collaborative divorce is a non-contentious method of ending a marriage. It is most suitable for divorcing couples who generally agree on the