When Can I Stop Paying Alimony in Wichita?

Alimony can be awarded as part of a Wichita divorce when the court decides that it is fair to do so. It’s important to understand that alimony is only awarded when spouses are in need of that financial support, and it will continue until that support is no longer needed or in other circumstances. Working with a Wichita spousal support attorney can help you achieve the ideal outcome in your divorce agreement. They can also help you determine if you are able to modify the alimony you pay. The long-term goal of awarding this support is to enable both spouses


Understanding Common Prenuptial Agreement Myths in Kansas

A prenuptial agreement is a type of marital agreement, which spouses can create to determine their rights and responsibilities to marital and separate property. There are many common misconceptions about prenuptial agreements. A prenuptial agreement, when done well, can protect both spouses, and it can even make a marriage stronger. To create an agreement that is enforceable and fair, it’s important to work with a marital agreement attorney in Wichita. Myth: Prenuptial Agreements Only Apply During a Divorce Prenuptial agreements do determine how assets are divided if a couple divorces, but this is not their only use. These agreements determine


How Child Custody Is Decided in Wichita

Child custody cases can occur in divorce or separation cases, and they are often emotionally strenuous for the entire family. Even custody cases where parents are amicable can become contentious due to high emotions and the hopes of each parent to spend time with their children. These cases can be much easier to navigate with a Wichita child custody attorney, whether you and your co-parent are creating a parenting plan or the court is making one for you. The Best Interest Standard for Child Custody When family courts are making or approving any decision regarding children, they will always hold


Tips for Navigating Divorce With a Narcissist

Many divorces are stressful, even those where spouses are attempting to be amicable. Navigating divorce when your relationship with your spouse is contentious or even abusive is very challenging and emotionally stressful. If you are planning to divorce a narcissist or are in the process of doing so, you need a compassionate and dedicated Wichita divorce attorney by your side. This is not an easy divorce to handle, and it is very likely that your spouse will fight you the entire way. When your spouse is narcissistic to the point of manipulation, control, and abuse, you need to get your


When Is It Important to Review Your Estate Plan?

An estate plan is a beneficial legal and financial tool used by many people to protect and plan for the distribution of their estates. To ensure that you and your loved ones receive the benefits of your estate plan, it must remain enforceable and up to date. This means that you need to know when to review and update the plan over time. A detail-oriented Wichita estate planning attorney can help you review your documents and determine what changes may need to be made. It’s important to review the plan regularly, even when nothing major has changed, to ensure that


Why Is It Important to Establish Paternity?

When a child is born to two married parents in Kansas, there is a legal presumption that those parents are the child’s biological and legal parents. This legal presumption does not exist when an unmarried couple has a child, and only the parent who gave birth to the child has parental rights. Whether you are a single parent who needs support for your child or an unmarried couple who wishes to establish the rights of both parents, a Wichita paternity attorney can help. Establishing paternity has benefits for both parents and their child. It’s useful to understand the rights and