Help your child thrive on transition days

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Friday, May 8, 2020.

One of the most difficult things for children to get used to when their parents divorce is spending time in two different homes. They may find that the days when they transition from one home to other are especially challenging. Trying to make these as easy as possible can greatly benefit the children.

Make sure they know when they will switch homes. This isn’t always easy, especially when they are younger, but having something like a countdown or helping them to understand it on a calendar might be beneficial. Just be careful that the countdown doesn’t become their sole focal point.

It helps some children if the parent who currently has the child takes them to the other parent. The ride there is a time for them to mentally prepare for the change. When they are picked up at the house they’re currently at, they might not fare as well.

Having to pack up their belongings is another duty that might be traumatic for them. Instead of putting them through this, each parent can have the child’s basic needs at their home. This enables the child to focus on only having to move special lovies and similar items back and forth between homes.

Try to keep the transition time as stress-free as you can. This isn’t the time to discuss contentious matters with your ex. Instead, keep the focus on everything being peaceful for the children. You and your ex can always talk about the hard topics later.

Your child custody order should have a parenting time schedule to follow. Be sure that you stick to this when possible, so your kids can use the routine they’re accustomed to.

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