Processing your emotions with clarity during divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Saturday, June 15, 2019.

Once you have taken the first steps to divorce your spouse, your future may seem bleak as you navigate the complexities of putting a significant relationship behind you and moving forward independently. At Stange Law Firm PC, we are committed to helping people in Kansas to work through their divorce as efficiently as possible.

Facing the uncertainty of your future and the range of emotions that accompany such significant change is going to require you to actively acknowledge and feel everything. Ignoring strong emotions or compressing your feelings may only complicate your healing and lengthen the time it takes for you to move beyond your relationship. One way to work toward emotional stability is to understand the processes for managing your emotions in ways that are healthy and productive.

According to, there are several effective ways to work through your emotions including the following:

  • Prioritize self-care and make sure you are eating right, exercising, sleeping enough and participating in uplifting social activities.
  • Discuss your concerns and the difficulties you are facing with someone you trust and who can provide emotional support and empathy.
  • Reassess your priorities and determine what in your life is truly necessary for your growth, healing and survival.
  • Recognize which negative behaviors you may be tempted to engage in as a coping mechanism and avoid the triggers for them.

When you have an understanding of the right way to handle the intense emotions you are feeling in relation to your divorce, you can openly acknowledge how you feel without compromising your health. For more information about getting a divorce, visit our web page.  

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