Helping children understand and cope with divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Monday, March 19, 2018.

Divorce can take on many different meanings when children are involved. No matter the details of a situation, it can be difficult to explain a separation to young minds. Kansas parents going through divorce are all too familiar with this struggle, and some even postpone telling children about the issue at hand. What strategies might parents use to help younger family members understand and cope with divorce?

While it is no rare occurrence, divorce can affect children in a number of complex ways. Kids Health examines some ideal approaches to helping children cope with divorce, stressing that waiting to inform children of a separation may not always be the best idea. Instead, parents may want to discuss the situation openly; asking children for feedback can also prove beneficial. However, the extent of information parents share might depend on the child’s age and level of maturity. When it comes to coping with the plethora of emotions that can follow a divorce, Kids Health encourages parents to always offer support to their children, even if it means turning to a therapist. It is also important to get a child’s opinion on new living situations, as some children thrive better when living in only one home.

Psychology Today also understands the trauma that divorce can bring to a family. In an article on children and divorce, they add that it is crucial not to let children become involved in adult matters. For instance, attempting to convince a child of a certain point of view can ultimately skew their understanding of the entire situation. Psychology Today also states that boys and girls may handle divorce differently — experts state that boys have a tendency to develop behavioral issues, while girls may become withdrawn and suspicious of future relationships. Of course, each situation is different from the next, and parents have a vast number of resources to turn to in times of need.

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