Debt and your divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Wednesday, January 30, 2019. It is not uncommon for married couples in Kansas who experience challenging financial troubles to end up choosing to get divorced. Many a marriage has suffered or ended due to money issues. In these situations, each spouse should take care to protect themselves so they are set up to move forward toward a more positive financial future. As explained by, one thing that should be done as soon as a couple knows they are going to split up is to cancel all joint credit


Mortgage realities during a divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Divorcing spouses in Kansas who own a home together must at some point in their settlement discussions decide what they will do with their marital home. The emotional tug to keep the home can be quite strong, especially for families with young children. The ability to allow kids to stay in their original home at least while they are with one of their parents can provide some stability for them. This, however, may not be the best decision from a financial perspective. As explained by


Having a voice in creating your parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in fathers’ rights on Monday, January 7, 2019. The general assumption is that when you go into child custody proceedings as a father, the deck is already stacked against. Countless men come to us here at the Stange Law Firm with this same fear, and it does seem justified. Statistics typically show that a majority of parents awarded primary custody are women. Yet you should know that (at least not in Kansas) this is not a legal precedent, and that as a father, you are entitled to as much authority over the


What authority do you retain as a divorced dad?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in fathers’ rights on Friday, January 4, 2019. It may be easy to feel as though you are being squeezed out of your children’s lives after having divorced their mother. This is likely due to the perception amongst many in Wichita that mothers are typically favored by the courts in custodial matters. While the law states that technically no parent is favored in custodial proceedings, the aforementioned perception is supported by statistics, which generally show that custodial parents are often mothers. Yet simply because that has been a historical trend does not


Are postnuptial agreements enforceable?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, December 7, 2018. In the lead up to your marriage in Wichita, you probably heard from at least one person that a prenuptial agreement was something to at least consider. Your reluctance to create one may be understandable; many fear that requesting one from a fiancee may not be well-received. Yet now that you may be contemplating a divorce, the wisdom in having such an agreement to protect any personal assets you may have brought into the marriage is becoming more clear. Luckily, a postnuptial agreement can typically provide


Modifying your child support obligation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Friday, November 23, 2018. Even after your divorce in Wichita, the love that you feel for your children does not change (nor does your desire to provide for them). Your financial circumstances, however, could, and this may place you in the position of struggling to meet your child support obligation. Many come to us here at the Stange Law Firm PC in this same situation questioning what their options are (and concerned that they may face legal trouble if they are unwilling to make their payments). If you share